LINEAGE OS is based on the Android Open Source Project with extra contributions from many people within the Android community. It can be used without any need to have any Google application installed.LineageOS does still include various hardware-specific code, which is also slowly being open-sourced anyway.

    Download Lineage OS 14.1 on OnePlus One

    Follow this if you are flashing Lineage OS 14.1 for OnePlus One (oneplus2) for the first time, or coming from another ROM:

    Points to NOTE:

    – Try to avoid restoring apps backup using Titanium Backup. It may break things up.

    – Don’t restore system data using Titanium Backup! It will definitely break the current installation.

    – It is also discouraged to Restoring Apps + Data using Titanium Backup.

    How to install Lineage OS 14.1 on Oneplus One

    1. Download and Copy the GApps and OnePlus One Lineage 14.1 ROM ZIP to your phone.

    2. Boot into Recovery. Make sure to have a Custom recovery like CWM or TWRP or any other custom recovery.

    3. Wipe data factory reset, Cache partition, Dalvik Cache and Format the System partition.

    This will delete all your data on your phone. You may consider complete backup of your phone data or take a NANDROID backup of the current ROM

    4. First flash the OnePlus One Lineage 14.1 ROM ZIP from device. Then flash the GApps zip from your device memory.

    5. Then reboot into recovery (don’t skip this) and flash the Lineage 14.1 Nougat GApps package.

    6. Reboot and Enjoy the Nougat 7.1 Lineage 14.1 ROM for OnePlus 

    See also: [Official] Download Official LineageOS 14.1 for Oneplus one (bacon) Nougat 7.1.1

    Upgrading from earlier version of Lineage OS 14.1 for OnePlus One (oneplusOne):

    1. Copy the latest OnePlus One Lineage 14.1 ROM ZIP file to your phone.

    2. Boot into Recovery.

    3. Flash the latest CM ROM ZIP from your phone.

    4. Then flash the Lineage 14.1 Nougat GApps package.

    5. Reboot and Enjoy

    Complete the initial setup and enjoy Android Nougat 7.1 with Lineage 14.1 for OnePlus One (oneplusOne).

    For more detailed information about installation follow below link.

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    LineageOS Team

    We are trying hard to provied Lineage os rom for every possible device.To support us like our facebook page and follow on facebook.

    65 comments so far,Add yours

    1. It is for OPO? Because I see oneplus2 instead backon in brackets. Please clarify.

      1. I see too, but i was able to install this OS on an OneplusOne(bacon)... so far no issues.

    2. Anyone try to flash dirty over CM 14.1?

      1. Yes, worked without problems (from OPO with CM14.1). Only needed to update Gboard (Google Keyboard) via the Google Play Store and set the app icons on the screen. There is viper4android fx installed - but I cannot get it working. (Sorry for that bad english)

      2. Ok, thanks a lot for the info!! I use swiftkey anyway, and could't tell you why Viper is not working, once it does it it's going to be great!! I personally lost a lot of app data, and could't determine why, so I went back to 14.1. Your English is perfect!!!

      3. viper will work you just have to allow root privileges to it ... there is an option for allowing users or apps to use root privileges in this rom which is great

    3. Installed this ROM on my OPO and as of now everything is working fine.

    4. Can future updates will be get this OS Or manually every time need to flash

    5. I use TWRP 3.0.2 and I always get the message "error 7" when I try to install the ROM. Any suggestions?

      1. Did you install it over CM 14.1 and occured the error when trying to install gapps? I installed the with over lineage-14.1-20161230-Okeys-bacon and got the error and a log file called "open_gapps_log.txt" with the info that the system partition has not sufficient space available:
        Current Free Space (KB) | 10556
        Additional Space Required (KB) | 5544 << See Calculations Below

        So I think, the OPO is running with the gapps from CM14.1 ...
        I'm using TWRP 3.0.2-0

      2. Sorry - I need glasses - the error code after a failed gapps installation is 70 not 7 ... Sorry!

      3. Very strange - factory reset, wiped everything, installed
        and also got the error 70 and no gapps installed, hmmm.

      4. arrrrgh, I am an idiot - it's working with:
        open_gapps-arm-7.1-micro-20170105 (not with the full version)
        ... the fresh installed opo is now rebooting, so happy restoring the data, trying to find the old settings ... omg the passwords ...

    6. how to install if my device is not rooted and still in cm 13.1. is there a proper guide for this? still new to this


    8. someone plz tell me how do i get about completing step 5 on the first set of instructions...

    9. Anyone having troubles with de proximity sensor in 20170109 build for one plus one?

    10. Hey developer thanks to provide such type smooth rom but I'm facing a bug and it's irritating me a lot and "OTA update" also not working
      Can you guys please rectify these problems in next update as well as we are eagerly waiting for VOLTE update
      Thank you and sorry for my bad english

    11. fist i would like to thank u guys for ur hard work!
      I flashed the latest rom (20170114) with the latest Gapps( all clean installs).
      couple of bugs i noticed are:
      1)the pixel launcher isn't has some bugs, cant swipe left ans when i press the Google icon on top left a pop up appears and then closes.
      2)the camera apps sometimes crashes when i switch between face fronting and rear fronting cam
      3)Music player is not there anymore
      4)The flash light seems dimmer
      5)cant change the picture of the user( i know its not a biggie but just saying what i found)

      1. ok small update i installed another start launcher and then switched between the pixel and google now launcher, and that seems to fix my bug with the pixel launcher so now its A-OK:)

      2. 1. Can't be because pixel launcher goes as system app.
        2. Did 6 times - no crash.
        3. I've removed it.
        4. Same on another LOS ROMs.
        5. Go to G+ app-settings-contacts-sync.

      3. thanks for the reply, the G+ contacts sync worked for me so thx for that;)

    12. I'm not able to install GApps, it errors out and while flashing the rom I also get a error. both errors are the same as previous posts. Whats the fix?

      1. what recovery are you using? mine one twrp and worked

      2. Flash arm and use mini or micro zip file

    13. Can't skip the 'copy from previous device with NFC' thing. I don't have other device, any chance of skipping it?

      1. to_those_suffering_the_lineageos_tap_and_go_bug
        In TWRP > Wipe > Advanced Wipe, wipe everything.
        Install LineageOS only.
        Reboot into system.
        Go through setup wizard etc.
        Reboot into TWRP.
        Flash GApps.
        Let me know if this worked!

    14. a couple of questions for lineage os 14.1:
      1. does it have VoLTE support?
      2. does it support multi tasking?
      3. will it convert to official os?

      1. No
        No. No ota updates. You have to flash the full rom and gapps again

      2. With latest OS(lineage-14.1-20170123) official nightly, i see voLTE working.

      3. Hi Akshay,
        I installed lineage-14.1-20170123 official nightly today. I'm not seeing VoLTE option to enable or the functionality of VoLTE.Are you referring to Oneplus One?

      4. Sorry, my mistake i misunderstood the voLTE earlier. Am not sure of the part that it will work or not,you could try with 30th Jan 2017 Build.

      5. That's OKay. Not a problem. And thank you for the update.

    15. How can i take off those "cm to lineage migration build"? Sorry for my english

    16. Can anyone upload the video of a walk through of lineage os installed on oneplus one.

    17. phn is getting charged very slowly after i flashed it is this normal?

      1. I have also had charging issues and battery drain. Checking to see if it's just me.

      2. I don't see any charging/battery drain issues. You may now try by updating the latest 30th Jan build.

      3. yes i also have charging issue..never happen to any other rom before..hope can be fix in next update

    18. It is nice to see that we finally have the official ROMs and now we can Download Lineage OS For OnePlus One

      1. "Zip signature verification failed" for nightly and experimental zip. without verfication checked, it just seems to load endless and heating up cpu

    19. Can Anybody post Step By Step Procedure Im using CM 13.1

    20. Sorry if this is an obvious question, but do I need to flash and use TWRP if I can reboot in bootloader? Will this receive OTA updates? TIA

    21. Does this support volte on oneplus one.

    22. If I have CM OS 13.1.2, can I use the Cyanogen recovery and the "Apply an update" section in the recovery screen to install Lineage? Or do I have to use TWRP and flash through it?

    23. I tried installing according to this guide but after the OS is working fine, the GApps stock package refuses to install due to error 70: insufficient system partition. How can I fix this without totally wrecking my phone?

      1. I have seen this problem earlier, only solution seems to be installing LESS gapps I mean if you are trying to install gapps full try going for mini .. this solved my same problem

    24. i don't know what i'm doing wrong... i have installed over cm14, i have wiped everything out, and installed fresh, i have wiped and cleaned and restored, and during install, it just says there is some kind of error, but doesn't say which. it's as it's patching unconditionally. i can't remember exactly what it says, but it's E: something. then it says it did it right, but it just hangs on the boot screen for 15 min before the animation freezes. anyone want to help?

    25. I'm facing few issues.
      Firstly, booting takes a lot of time. Secondly the camera when switched to video crashes suddenly. Thirdly, WiFi loses connection though the icon shows it as connected.

    26. I m flashed this rom, terrible, the issues are so many, the main problem is the drain of battery 100% full charge and in just 7 hours is empty, is crazy, one more main issues is the built in root super su doesn't work for nothing no way to let it work.Lineage is too young for make the same work of CM

      1. for SuperSU I am using this and it works well.

      2. Thanks, and for the battery?

    27. Haven't seen any update since some time, is this fork abandoned ?

    28. Has updates stopped? First of all I'm not sure if it's a problem with my phone that I'm not able to see any update menu in my about phone settings, so I keep going to the website to check for an update. I'm facing an issue with the wifi, suddenly stops working, though it shows its connected. Eagerly waiting for the new update.. And anyone has any idea about the official stable lineage os build release?

    29. Problem too install last update 20/03/2017. In recovery it doesn't start. I've tried in manual mode as well. Suggestions?

    30. When there is an update for the ROM to be flashed which partition should it be installed on Boot or Recovery?? I have an OPO One with TWRP and the GAPPS? This is the question asked as I want to flash the update of 18 sep 2017? It is an .img file which has been downloaded automatically from the Lineage OS app... Thanks for the help. I am delighted so far to have switched to Lineage OS for my OPO 1...
