If you are facing lag and frame drops in your mobile while playing pubg then you can follow below steps to boot PUBG performance in any android device. Make sure you have rooted the device before proceeding because you need root access to do import PUBG performance in your device.
Update: We managed to fix the frame rate measuring and can confirm after applying these changes that we had an average of 36 FPS, with consistent 40-60FPS at nearly all times.
Update: We managed to fix the frame rate measuring and can confirm after applying these changes that we had an average of 36 FPS, with consistent 40-60FPS at nearly all times.
Improving your FPS in PUBG using GFX Tool
Step 1 – Installing GFX Tool
You’ll need to install and set up GFX Tool. Simply follow the Google Play Store link below and install it.
Step 2 – Configuring GFX Tool
Use the image below and set each parameter as shown. We’ll be explaining what these do down below.

This is the most important part about setting the application up. If you choose version 0.7, the application will request root access as it’s impossible to access the targeted FPS without it. Across the world and in Korea, though, version 0.6 is still the latest version released. You must check what version your game is before trying to run it through GFX Tool.
This part is pretty self-explanatory. The game on the OnePlus 3 runs at 1920×1080, so halving the resolution to 960×540 means a smoother downscale while also greatly reducing the number of pixels needing to be rendered.
PUBG has a number of graphics options available to users, but there are even more not shown to the user. You can enable super high fidelity graphics here that aren’t normally accessible, so you can give that a try if you want. Smooth is lower than usual graphics, so it helps to squeeze out some more FPS.
This is the maximum FPS that we want. You’ll want to set this to 60 unless you’re trying to avoid thermal throttling. The higher the value the better the fluidity, but the more power is needed.
Anti-aliasing often removes “jaggedness” of textures, but at the cost of performance. Disabling this will net you higher FPS.
Style refers to the saturation levels and colours in-game. You don’t need to worry about this setting as it’s purely cosmetic.
While disabling shadows may net you a higher performance, it’s often a poor idea to disable them in games like PUBG. They can be advantageous, so it’s better to leave it on “Skip” and let the game decide.
Vulkan refers to the usage of the Vulkan Graphics API which can improve performance but requires a supported device. The latest devices should support Vulkan, but if the game fails to start you’ll want to make sure this option is off. Attempting to use it on unsupported devices will make the game crash at launch.
Step 3 – Launch PUBG!
Now, this is the simple—and fun—part. All you have to do is hit “accept.” The accept button will switch to a run game button, so then all you have to do is launch the game and you’re good to go. Once the game launches, you should see that your settings have applied as the resolution will be lower. Queue up a game and give it a test drive, you should notice it’s much smoother than before.
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